

Welcome to everyone gathered here to pray for world peace and dear performers,
respected colleagues, dear friends and supporters.

I am truly honored to be asked to write a greeting on behalf
of the foreign delegation that is presenting their demonstrations today.
The Hishichi-to swords, which were cast in Korea in the 4th century,
were given as gifts to the leaders of China and Japan.
There is also a theory that one of these swords ultimately made its way to Okinawa,
although there is currently no historical evidence to support this.
 It is, nonetheless, interesting to note that the Hishichi-to swords
were never intended to be used for war nor injury,
 but rather worshiped as symbols of peace.

In keeping with this spirit of peace,
today's dedication performance carries a united message of hope
 from our peaceful island culture to the world. We are in support of Ukraine,
and also stand against other conflicts around the world,
with only the desire to bring an end to war;
Encourage world peace through our humble art is our collective goal.

We are all united in our desire for a swift resolution to conflicts across the globe,
including the war in Ukraine.
 We will be filming our presentation today and plan to share it
on various social media platforms, including YouTube,
in the hope that it will reach decision makers who can help bring an end to conflict.

On behalf of us all, thank you for the opportunity to share this message of peace and unity.

Patrick McCarthy PhD
Hanshi 9th Dan
